In Speed dating, an equal number of girls and guys meet each other for five minutes, one after another to decide who they would like to meet again. They must mark on their date card- YES if they like to meet again and No if they don’t after each meeting. Speed dating is
Scientifically proven to be highly effective. The subconscious exchange of verbal and non-verbal signals, between two people kick starts a chemistry, which is either positive or negative, which help people decide whether they like someone or not, in less than 3 min.
Meet quality people
You’ll meet 12-15 high quality singles, who’re interested in marriage, something impossible to achieve in regular day to day life.
We confirm a participant only if he or she is found Compatible , to the event in terms of Job status, Annual income, Education, Personal values and Refinement. The event is open to only members of ‘Marry in a week’ to ensure Proper screening.
You save time, money and emotions.
In our Event you meet 12-15 people in less than 2.5 hours. Our format is designed to ensure everyone including a shy person, talks to each of the12-15 singles, one-on-one! In order to understand the value of Speed dating for matrimonial purpose, just compare the time, emotions and money invested in meeting just one person in a traditional arrangement vis a vis with a speed dating event.
You’ll do incredibly well if you manage to meet 3-4 people every month, which means to meet 12-15 persons you need 3 to 4 months. Besides, each of these meeting requires an appointment, getting dressed, getting nervous and substantial expenses. No such things in a speed dating event.
Our privacy is protected and security
Even though you meet 12-15 singles per event, you don’t give your name or contact details to any of them. Only those who are mutually matched get each other’s contact details via the organizers, while others get absolutely no info about you. We ensure that people arrive and leave the venue as strangers except they would get contact details of their Mutual matches from us. We guard your Privacy
fiercely. Our events take place in 5* hotels in a private area, removed from the view of passersby or spectators. If you are a girl you could bring a guest along for moral support. After the event girls leave 10 minutes before guys to prevent unnecessary interaction outside the venue.
Rules and format
Participants are instructed to not ask each other: For a date, probing personal questions or contact details. These events have no rejections as nobody at the event knows who marked what for whom. The only way one can
know if anyone has expressed a desire to meet him or her, is if he or she also has expressed a similar request. In theFormat Girls remain seated while guys move from table to table every 5 minutes. On the half way mark we also have a small break.
Participant Pre Requisites:
Participant must have a completed profile on ‘Marry in a week’ Matrimonial app. to become eligible.
If you are not a member, pl. click to sign up:
Event- 1
Girls- 25-29 Yrs. : Working/ Never married singles / Attractive / Refined
Guys- 28-32 Yrs. : Top education/ Never married singles /Professionals with attractive jobs and Incomes / Successful Businessmen / Refined
Hindu / North Indian / Caste does not matter
Event- 2
Girls- 28-35 Yrs. : Professionals or Self employed/ Singles /Attractive / Refined
Guys- 32-37 Yrs.: Top education / Singles/Professionals with High status Job/Annual Income 12 Lac & above Successful Businessmen / Refined
Hindu / Region does not matter /Caste does not matter
Venue: DOUBLE TREE by Hilton ( 5* hotel), Golf Course Road, Gurgaon.
Date: 23rd June 2013.
Time: Event 1 / 1000 am-1230 pm ; Event 2 /1400 pm to 1630pm
Event Cost: 4000 Rs.
(1000 Rs off to Early Birds – first 5 bookings)
If you are interested in above events please let us know in either of the following ways:
- Send email
- Call us: 09910697869 or 0124 4301140 From 10 am to 08 pm.
- Use contact form on the app or website or
- Message us on our facebook page
For more info:
Send your suggestions, including ideas of new events for specific categories.
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