Sunday, 3 February 2013

Essence of TIME in a relationship

TIME – the creator of the universe and has the power to end it. It is the biggest healer and preacher. It flies away and comes back as memories. A great companion and a reason behind many smiles and tears. Truly said “Time is the most precious gift because we only have a limited amount of it”. One can make more money but not time.

TIME helps to develop and nurture a relationship. It is the time management which holds importance in a relationship. It is not mandatory and practical to cut down the essential tasks from your routine because you can’t afford to maintain that in the long-run. But, the emphasis should be laid on devoting quality time with each other, so that you can hold on it consistently. Where an absentee parent tries to compensate their absence with money or luxury, there is no replacement for quality time. The division of slots or quantifying the time that you are allocating to nurture your relationship is not enough. Instead, it is about how you can manage to extract or pull out time to strengthen your bonding.

I asked, I read, I searched and on my way of research I found that there is no better way to spell LOVE other than TIME. It holds you together and lets your love grow. The more you give it, the more you discover. Being there for your loved ones in times of need not only ensures a healthy relationship but helps maintain the trust between two people.

Life’s happiness is hidden between the little moments we spend in our daily lives. Such precious moments revolve around TIME. Live them, Love them and most importantly don’t miss them and life would become beautiful like never before!

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