“Neeta, a 14 year old, sitting beside her window pane, dreaming about her PRINCE charming who would come riding on a white horse with a sword in his hand and would fight with this world to be with her. He would take her away to her dream world, with a small cottage built on countryside where the two would spend their lives happily together. A world, far off from real life villains and obstacles. A small house, even with a single room, doesn’t really matter to her. All she wants is a HOME-Sweet- Home!”
The above story sounds more like a typical BOLLYWOOD movie where the hero and the heroine meet up, fall in love, go through a series of problems and finally end up getting together and live happily ever after. Looks like most of the movies are based on fairy tales. Aren’t they??
What happens when a Fairy Tale becomes a Reality??
Let’s understand this by considering our very own “Neeta” representing the story of every other girl in this world.
“Neeta, a young and beautiful 14 year old, studying in high school. She’s the “Miss Popular” of her school. Like a typical beautiful teen, she likes to throw tantrums and is full of attitude. Where every other guy of the school tries to approach her, she hardly cares! But deep down inside, she’s no less than a normal girl who dreams about her prince charming day and night. Her dreams and aspirations are no different than any other girl. She wants to be pampered, loved, cared and respected. As the time passes by, she enters into a new life – College, new space and new friends but with the same dream inside her heart. Finally, the day comes when she meets her dream man, her prince charming, the guy she’s been looking for all her life. The two fall in love and make promises to spend their lives together. After facing a couple of hurdles, both end up getting married. Not only they are married but are HAPPILY MARRIED with their twin sons.”
Neeta’s story is a little hard to believe for us who call ourselves the so called “Practical” people. Where most of the bollywood stories have a happy ending, we find it difficult to accept them. All stories may not have a happy ending but they do go through a phase of good times. Times where we smile, laugh with tears of joy and share the best times of our lives. Such times are worth living for. Where “Happily Married=Happily Adjusted”, it shouldn’t be that difficult to accept the reality. People do fall in love, make promises to be together, get married, have kids and live happily ever after. The period of “EVER-AFTER” does exist! The period where the two are there for each other in times thick and thin. The period where the duo grow old together and so does their love and bond.
Yes, such stories aren’t just fiction. They do happen in real life. All we need to do is just look around. Who knows may be one day our story would be no different than a fairy tale!
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