Monday, 15 April 2013

A Facebook App on Matrimony – The Next BIG thing!!

Times change and so does our preferences and way of living. There were times where in an Arranged Marriage the boy and the girl had not much of choice in fixing of alliance. The conversation between the two was next to negligible before the wedding. They were not really allowed to choose a partner for themselves and couldn’t even object to the decision of their elders.
With changing mindsets and education spreading its wings, many of us have become “modern” in terms of our perspectives and outlook. Gone are the days when a priest or elder or neighbour or a friend used to find a suitable match for us. No longer are we required to give our details in a marriage bureau or a temple or any such places to find our life partner
Newspapers though still used are not the most efficient way….. Online Match making came on the marriage scene approximately a decade back.
However imagine finding that someone special through the help of a facebook app.?
Yes!!! a FACEBOOK APP…… its already happened and its the way match making will happen in the next decade. Marry in a week is the world’s first facebook matrimonial app designed to deliver relevant and useful matches within a week. It uses credible facebook data, filters inactive users to get you a response within no time. Relevant data for marriage such as age, education, work profile, location and relationship status are drawn by the Marry in a week app from the user’s facebook profile.
Why to go for Marry in a week??
  • Its amazing feature of Find Who likes you available for free. This feature helps you to reach all relevant matches in one go and get a response from those who are interested in you within a week.
  • It allows users to receive 0 to 6 relevant matches every day and directly connect with the prospective matches by expressing interest in their profiles.
  • Privacy is full proof.
  • Only individuals with at least 25 or more facebook friends are allowed to use the Marry in a Week app for matrimonial matchmaking.
  • People with inappropriate relationship status – such as married, engaged or committed – are strictly kept out of the platform.
  • It focuses on values, attitude, life style and interests and celebrates individuality and encourages people to present themselves in their true elements through photo albums.
With so many great features in just one app, what more could one ask for?? The privacy issues being handled with utmost care, there is no better way to find a suitable match for yourself than this. Marry in a week is the way to go!!

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