Thursday, 25 April 2013


Take this quiz and figure out more about yourself and what you want …
I am excited if it is possible to
  • marry in a week
  • seek a match conveniently at my pace
  • do both
I prefer
  • arranged marriage
  • love marriage
  • either – any fine by me
 As far as social networking goes I
  • am a whiz
  • hate it
  • am just ok – use it only when I need to
I am most on
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • the couch
Facebook can help me find a spouse
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t know
If someone has at least 50 friends
  • that person has to have given genuine details – you can’t fool so many together
  • that person is miraculously fooling 50 or more people at the same time
  • er – how much is 50?
Information taken from a Facebook profile is therefore
  • worth considering
  • unsure
  • what’s a profile?
Compatibility in a marriage comes from sharing
  • values, interests and attitudes
  • caste and community
  • umm – ever heard of ‘his’ and ‘hers’?
Privacy is sure if
  • I control who sees my details, and not even my parents and FB friends can see them unless I allow it
  • a small number of middlemen and brokers know all there is to know
  • you don’t share information at all – just enter blindly into matrimony
Information and detail is helpful
  • if it is sorted by relevance to the purpose, and clutter removed
  • and the greater the volume, the more the confusion and the irritation
  • to keep me occupied during commercial breaks on TV as I lie on the couch
If the detail sounds good, I would like to
  • express an interest – easily – and take it forward from there
  • wonder if things can really be so easy
  • go under the couch – can’t handle attractiveness on my own
It would be nice to receive relevant profiles or responses
  • within a week – so I know where I stand and soon
  • whenever – I don’t mind waiting
  • let me check – depends on the TV guide on my set top box
I am keen for the convenience if the option is available today
  • for free
  • for a no-exchange, no-return deposit
  • Go on! Even my DTH operator charges 40 rupees a day for the package I want
If you have scored 80% or more in the first options, check out the new Facebook app on matrimony that lets you know who likes you in a week.  If your score is higher in the second option, you are not looking for an easy, quick and clutter-free way of doing things, so let your mind and heart process whatever they are doing right now.  If your score has more of option three, marry your television – that way you won’t have to get up from your couch.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


There once was a man who wanted a wife
Why else but to share his life
For him it was all the same

Family and experts sent word far and wide
Subjected him to comments sweet and snide
For privacy he did long
Just someone to whom he’d belong

Then came upon a matrimonial app
that to his goal provided the map
It ensured his profile only was seen
by those truly relevant and keen

Not even Facebook friends could tease
He gained control but without high fees
Cutting detail like hot knife through butter
The app prevented a whole lot of clutter

Six every week, each profile got individually
After being matched for compatibility
Expired, if of no interest, in a week
Some he wanted more to seek

Then he could on express interest click
And each could view other’s profile to pick
To go beyond community and caste
And judge the potential of relationships to last

Data taken from Facebook profile
Ensured accuracy, relevance and style
Only those qualify if FB friends number fifty
Such network prevents one from being shifty

FB provides age, status, work and education
If married or engaged, app ensures rejection
But if there, it is the person whole
Values, interests, pics – a look into the soul

So now he sits at phone and laptop
Receives what he needs and wants
A process streamlined and quick
That’s marryinaweek at a click

Friday, 19 April 2013


According to a recent news report, people these days have become so gizmo addicted that members of the same family, living under the same roof, communicate between rooms of the house through mails, calls and sms-es.  One had heard of staleness creeping into married life – but detachment to this extent in marriage and family?  Many nod their heads sagely and pronounce that a family born of the compromise of an arranged marriage can only end this way; others wag their fingers triumphantly to emphasise the fate of love marriages once the daily humdrum of life has taken off the rose tinted glasses and flung them out of the window of romance.
Communication is so vital that without it a relationship doesn’t really have much of a future except as a necessity, habit or trap.  All partners and members of a domestic group – family, nuclear or joint, marriage – communicate their emotions, opinions and needs.  How they do it depends on personality – outgoing, garrulous, reserved, expressive in more than speech, physically demonstrative and so on.  It is invariably a mix of methods ranging in degrees between deliberate and spontaneous.  Words, silence, looks, expressions, touch, carriage become means of communication.  A particularly explosive situation is promised if silence is taken as agreement or weakness, especially in cultures where age and gender dictate freedom or repression.  Not communicating feelings and aspiration translates into those around not recognizing them, hence being forced to shoulder uncomfortable situations until the breaking point is reached.  On the other side is the issue of communicating but in a manner that is either garbled or downright rude, even abusive, therefore often counter-productive.
These are complex issues with no straight answers.  There may be relationships or phases in them when talking and sharing every detail seems normal.  There may be those when speech becomes unnecessary – when much is revealed by the averting of eyes, a stiff profile in the car seat, laughing eyes peeping over the rim of a cup of coffee, a sharp look, wearing a color the other likes (or dislikes) … Into this now come the gadgets that are so much a part of our lives.  Using them from a distance is inevitable but when in the same house?  There is something to be said for ‘Wat time sports prac tom mrng?’ on a trusty mobile rather than crawling out of a cosy bed on a freezing winter night to go to the teenager in the next room, cursing for forgetting to check up on that at the dinner table. 
 And for beaming a spontaneously captured pose on the webcam before the moment is lost directly to someone catching up with friends on Facebook in the next room.  The impact of emoticons relaying a grin, anger, dismay can sometimes be greater than in person.  But can these things be allowed to become the norm rather than the exception in a home is a question too prickly to consider.  Just imagine a beep from one side of the bed being answered by another beep from the other side with the classic, “Not tonight dear; I have a headache…”

Monday, 15 April 2013

A Facebook App on Matrimony – The Next BIG thing!!

Times change and so does our preferences and way of living. There were times where in an Arranged Marriage the boy and the girl had not much of choice in fixing of alliance. The conversation between the two was next to negligible before the wedding. They were not really allowed to choose a partner for themselves and couldn’t even object to the decision of their elders.
With changing mindsets and education spreading its wings, many of us have become “modern” in terms of our perspectives and outlook. Gone are the days when a priest or elder or neighbour or a friend used to find a suitable match for us. No longer are we required to give our details in a marriage bureau or a temple or any such places to find our life partner
Newspapers though still used are not the most efficient way….. Online Match making came on the marriage scene approximately a decade back.
However imagine finding that someone special through the help of a facebook app.?
Yes!!! a FACEBOOK APP…… its already happened and its the way match making will happen in the next decade. Marry in a week is the world’s first facebook matrimonial app designed to deliver relevant and useful matches within a week. It uses credible facebook data, filters inactive users to get you a response within no time. Relevant data for marriage such as age, education, work profile, location and relationship status are drawn by the Marry in a week app from the user’s facebook profile.
Why to go for Marry in a week??
  • Its amazing feature of Find Who likes you available for free. This feature helps you to reach all relevant matches in one go and get a response from those who are interested in you within a week.
  • It allows users to receive 0 to 6 relevant matches every day and directly connect with the prospective matches by expressing interest in their profiles.
  • Privacy is full proof.
  • Only individuals with at least 25 or more facebook friends are allowed to use the Marry in a Week app for matrimonial matchmaking.
  • People with inappropriate relationship status – such as married, engaged or committed – are strictly kept out of the platform.
  • It focuses on values, attitude, life style and interests and celebrates individuality and encourages people to present themselves in their true elements through photo albums.
With so many great features in just one app, what more could one ask for?? The privacy issues being handled with utmost care, there is no better way to find a suitable match for yourself than this. Marry in a week is the way to go!!

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Overheard at a neighboring table at a cafĂ©, unwittingly and forced to since the two young men in their late-twenties spoke unconscionably  totally absorbed in their own situation, uncaring if anyone else heard them or not.  Today’s generation.  Not apologetic about who they are or what they want – in this case, getting married, finding a suitable match and a newly discovered matrimony app on Facebook:
Guy 1 (with bulging biceps, obviously a gym buff): Ma and Dad have shown me so many pics – they all look good.  Girls are so good at putting all that stuff on their faces …
Guy 2 (with trendy shades perched on head): … no way! Not all – I’m sure they went to the beauty parlour first.  Anyway, whoever you choose, you’ll have a good looking girl walk in with you at our parties
Bulging Biceps: But I can’t tell what they are really like.  Be sensible – I’m not only going to be attending parties – I want a proper profile – you know, interests, beliefs, likes, dislikes
Trendy Shades (pressing some buttons on his phone): You’re in luck – found this while posting my status yesterday.  ‘Marry in a week’ which world’s first Facebook app on matrimony. ….. Register.  It’s free for now.
Bulging Biceps Ma’s already registered me on a dozen matrimonial sites
Trendy Shades: This is not a matrimonial site. It’s a Matrimonial app on facebook which your mom can’t use on your behalf, only you can use while after logging into your facebook account….why not try it.   Your mom and dad can only access your profile if you share Facebook password with them. BTW, I’m sure they will be looking for caste and stuff and knowing you, you are more keen on finding other things about the girl
Bulging Biceps: Sure.  I’m not marrying a caste, I’m marrying a person.  That they do not understand.  I want someone with whom I can share things – there has to be something, personality-wise
Trendy Shades: Then this is it.  This app will syncs marriage relevant information from facebook to the app profile.  Your status has to be unmarried for this to work for you.  Plus, it will only take profiles of those with 25 friends or more on Facebook. You can’t be fake on Facebook with a large number of friends – so you can be sure profile is credible.
Bulging Biceps: Forget it.  I already have enough matches – too much clutter on my laptop already
Trendy Shades: But this app will match your profile with others with a compatibility quotient and give you a few matches everyday.  And they won’t pile up – they will expire in a week. If you like something, click on ‘Express interest’ and if the other side too accepts you then you can view each other’s profiles and uske baad, you are the boss – take it forward from there
Bulging Biceps: That should be quick.  At least I won’t have to wait for ages for a response.  It’ll save me time
Trendy Shades: Yup! 5 minutes daily, just like you update your Facebook posts.
Bulging Biceps: Great. Thanks – good that you know so much about it.  How come?
Trendy Shades:  It’s easy – doesn’t take much….. it was so simple and easy to use……  Besides, I registered on Marry in a week last night. Let’s pay up and leave – I have to be in CP in an hour.   Chal, let’s go … There’s loads more – I’ll tell you on the metro…